ICCBDC 2020 was originally planned to be held in University of Liverpool. Due to the pandemic impact, the conference was held in conjunction with BDIOT 2020 via online platform during August 26-28, 2020.
» ICCBDC 2020 | ISBN: 978-1-4503-7538-2 | Archived into ACM Digital Library | Ei Compendex & Scopus
Indexed by Ei Compendex & SCOPUS within 3 months after the conference
Opening Remark by Prof. Huseyin Seker | Prof. Schahram Dustdar was delivering the Keynote Speech |
Prof. Xudong Jiang was delivering the Keynote Speech | Dr. Vasily Sidorov was delivering the Invited Speech |
Session 1: (C0026)
Title: An Analysis of Scientific Production in Big Data Knowledge Domain on Google Books, YouTube and IEEE Explore® Digital Library
Presenter: Lyubomir Gotsev, University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Bulgaria
Session 2:(C0024)
Title: Reconstruction-based Anomaly Detection for the Cloud - A Comparison on the Yahoo!Webscope S5 Dataset
Presenter: Tanja Hagemann, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Session 3:(C0030)
Title: A Machine Learning based Shared Bikes Scheduling Method
Presenter: Yijun Bei, Zhejiang University, China
Session 4: (TP20-202E)
Title: COaaS:Continuous Integration and Delivery framework for HPC using Gitlab-Runner
Presenter: Muddsair Sharif, University of Applied Sciences- Stuttgart, Germany
Session 5: (C0022)
Title: A Scalable and Secure Model for Surveillance Cameras in Resource Constrained IoT Systems
Presenter: Unsub Zia, Ulster University, UK
Session 6: (TP20-306)
Title: A Salience & Motion State Based Quality Adjustment for 360-Degree Video Transmission
Presenter: Nan Zong, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China